Car Rental Firms Likely in no Hurry for Autonomous Vehicles
That seems to be the prevailing attitude among participants in a J.D. Power survey that looked at consumer confidence when it comes to autonomous vehicles.
That seems to be the prevailing attitude among participants in a J.D. Power survey that looked at consumer confidence when it comes to autonomous vehicles.
Hyundai has announced plans to throw its hat into that proverbial high-tech ring via a tandem venture with Aptiv, an operation specializing in autonomous technology.
A leading expert in the field of automation is stating that the use of edge technology will be vital to make autonomous vehicles hit the road in the near future.
Despite the progress made in driverless vehicular technology, the AI level still has a way to go before an autonomous car can operate like an actual human being.
As the car rental market tinkers with its current business models to keep pace with technology for the sake of efficiency, driverless cars might not seem a priority at the moment.