
Auto Internet Marketing: Adding WordPress to Your Marketing Plan

When developing your auto internet marketing plan you can’t overlook blogging – but where do you start?

With so many blogging services to choose from, it’s hard to separate the signal from the noise. Bluebird Auto Rental Systems is here to explain why when searching for a blogging system to use – WordPress is the hands down winner.


With a self-hosted WordPress blog you are in control, no tedious terms of service to follow, and no limitations, which means bringing new and creative ideas to your auto internet marketing plan.

What is WordPress?

Before you set sail with WordPress, it’s best to know why adding the open-source “Content Management System” (CMS) is the best fit for your auto internet marketing plan.

As stated before, WordPress is a CMS, which in layman’s terms means it’s best used for blogging. More specifically, Wikipedia describes it as the following:

WordPress is a free and open sourceblogging tool and a content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL, which runs on a web hosting service.[4] Features include a plug-in architecture and a template system. WordPress is used by more than 18.9% of the top 10 million websites as of August 2013.[5] WordPress is the most popular blogging system in use on the Web,[6] at more than 60 million websites.[7]

There is a reason 60 million websites use it: because it’s the best free blogging service you can find. It most be noted: while it is free to use, hosting it is not, and when it comes to hosting you will have to find the best service that fits your auto internet marketing plan.

DO NOT get and confused!

When the time comes and your business is ready for a WordPress blog, your search will likely lead you to “” – a free version of WordPress that is hosted at Do not use this service because it will ultimately be detrimental to your auto internet marketing plan. Make sure your blog is self-hosted via

While this service has its benefits, they will not fit your goals like a self-hosted blog from will. With a self-hosted WordPress blog you will the ability to add “Plugins“, which are mostly free and give your blog more power. blogs do not allow for this.

With Plugins you can add mailing lists, social buttons, and even track the statistics of your blog with Google Analytics. There are many more plugins for your to discover – ultimately, it is up to you to find out which plugins fit your auto internet marketing needs.

Facing the intimidation of a self-hosted WordPress blog

If you are an internet novice, this all may seem a bit overwhelming, but fear not as there are many resources to make your auto internet marketing objective a reality.

There are many resources across the internet to help you setup a your blog, including themselves. As we discussed before, you must have a host for your self-hosted WordPress blog. However, most hosts are very WordPress friendly and do most of the heavy lifting (installation) for you.

Also there are plenty of videos to help you get your self-hosted blog up and running – such as this:

Once your self-hosted WordPress blog is up, you are free to make any changes you desire and create content that fits your auto internet marketing needs.


If you have anymore questions feel free to ask them below! As always, you can find more marketing tips on the Bluebird Auto Rental Systems blog!