
Car Rental Booking Software: Text Your Customers With RWTexting

Bluebird Auto Rental Systems, the leader in car rental booking software is proud to introduce our latest innovation: RWTexting.

Send your customers a text message to their cell phone to remind them about their reservation with RentWorks Texting! You can also send a text message to customers with open contracts with their due back information, or just if they are overdue.

Car rental booking software has never been so personal, and now it is thanks to Bluebird Auto Rental Systems!


This extraordinary module to our car rental booking software gives you the ability to send text messages to renters’ mobile phones, both automatically and manually. It is truly a great innovation in car rental booking software.

From the reservation and contract tabs in RentWorks, a text message can be sent to any customer listed.
RWTexting allows you to send messages regarding upcoming reservations; rental agreements that are due soon, due now, or past due; and have recently closed, so that you can send a thank you or a survey!

Inside the car rental booking software, you also have the ability to set parameters for when reservations and contracts should be checked; when a text message should be sent; and the actual text message that is sent. You can use a pre-written default message or write any message manually.

In the Customer file, a check box has been added to Renter’s Preferences labeled “Text Messaging.” By checking this box, you verify that the renter will accept text messages. Once a text message is sent to the renter, a tag is stored with the reservation/contract showing the date and time a message was last sent. Your one click away from reaching optimal contact with our car rental booking software!

RWTexting supports the CDYNE SMS interface. Bluebird will set up an active account for you with CDYNE Corporation, so you may send the text messages to your customers. CDYNE provides RentWorks with a single interface to all mobile carriers.

Get RWTexting and make the most of your car rental booking software! Your customers will love it and so will you!