Marketing Archives - Bluebird Auto Rental Software

Car Rental Marketing: Which Outlet and Why?

With so many options when it comes to car rental marketing, knowing which one to use and why is vital. Our Social Media Coordinator, Stefan Jagot, teamed up with Auto Rental News to create a list of social media outlets and and why they’e important.   Twitter: What is it? Twitter is an online social

Car Rental Marketing: Pinterest May Be In Your Interest

As operators look for new ways to market their operations, Pinterest is yet another social media outlet that can be utilized for car rental marketing – especially if your operation caters to those on vacation! What is Pinterest? Glad you asked, Pinterest is: a web and mobile application company that offers a visual discovery, collection, sharing, and

3 Great Automotive Dealer Marketing Sites

As a car dealer, it is of high importance to stay ahead of your competition. Thankfully, staying up-to-date with industry trends, news, and marketing innovations has become easier than ever. Here are 5 great automotive dealer marketing websites to keep you in the forefront in your respective market(s). Automotive Dealer Marketing Blog #1: This